Time & Attendance
Time tracking services that simplify payroll
- Seamless integration with payroll
- Flexible time tracking options including mobile app
- PTO accrual management
Time tracking services that simplify payroll
Choose from a variety of employee time tracking software options based on the needs of your business:
The most widely available method for employee time tracking allows users to clock in and out using a web browser. With Webclock, employees can also change their cost centers throughout the day, view and approve hours, add notes to the segments, and even request time off.
Mobile App
Native applications for iOS and Android allow employees to clock in and out, view and approve their hours, and request time off. GPS stamp capabilities tie clock operations to a physical location.
RDTg Terminals
Wall-mounted Remote Data Terminals allow employees to clock in and out, change their cost centers, view and approve their hours and request time off, and see messages sent through the Time and Labor system.
Timesheet Entry
Timesheet entry is available for employees with special duties that must be added to their timesheet later, or for salaried/classified individuals who need to enter time instead of clocking in/out of each shift.
Simplify time management, PTO, and scheduling with these convenient tools: